United Methodist Women

The United Methodist Women of Trinity UMC is a dynamic organization which touches many segments of our church's life. Our mission reaches all over the world. Your continuing support, or first joining this group of committed women is a unique opportunity to move in harmony with other women who have been responding to this purpose for over one hundred years.

We are:

• an organization of lay women centered in relationship with God through Jesus Christ;

• an integral part of The United Methodist Church, authorized by General Conference to organize units in local    congregations;

• focused on ministries with women, children, and youth;

• rooted in mission and involved in mission programs locally and globally;

• pledged to provide financial support for mission through undesignated giving;

• a multiracial/multicultural organization committed to inclusiveness; and

• a community of women who nurture and encourage one another in their spiritual growth and personal development.


Each year we celebrate Trinity women united for mission at a Sunday Service.
